Thursday, 5 February 2009

Snowed off...

Thanks to a shed load of snow last night, and previously Monday night, lots of work cancelled this week....and beginning to feel I can see the wood for the trees, thanks to the chance to do a bit more desk work. Loads of rescheduling to organise now though with schools and artists - really complicated to fix but never mind. Have been feeding the birds vigilantly in the cold weather and as a result the area in front of the kitchen window has become a feeding frenzy....moorhens hang out under the feeder all day waiting for seeds to fall, the ducks keep standing in the bowl of water to sink the icefloe and gobble all the bits that float up. On the feeders greenfinches, goldfinches and today bullfinches too have been competing for space. Robins chasing each other round the garden and we have one wagtail who has taken up residence. The flock of long tail tits arrive daily, nibbling at the fat balls like little pink feathered piranhas - and one has no tail at all but has survived so far very well. Will try to catch a photo of him - 'no tail' as we call him. Expecting a load more snow tonight and kind of looking forward to it now, its like life just slowed down as the week is going on. No traffic, less email and phone calls.....I'm liking it!